Too Fantastic to Be True

Even when the “final solution” became apparent, why did the ...


Josh Schollmeyer

A founding editor of The Chicagoan, Josh Schollmeyer works by day as the Executive Editor and Director of Digital Content at Playboy, where he is overseeing the summer relaunch of the magazine’s smart phone app and ebook series.

Previously, he served as deputy editor of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. After helping the Bulletin win a National Magazine Award for General Excellence in 2007, he spearheaded the editorial effort to transition it from a print publication to a digital newsmagazine akin to Politico. His writing has appeared in the Smithsonian magazine, Maxim and Chicago. His Bulletin feature, “Lights, Camera, Armageddon,” was selected to appear in Houghton Mifflin’s Best American Science and Nature Writing, and the local chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists honored his Chicago magazine profile of baseball analyst Steve Stone with a Peter Lisagor Award for excellence in feature writing.